Have motivation to decrease her carbon footprint. Keep note of her new good beaviors.
Overwhelmed by too many dos and donts. Forgets about simple things she should improve in her habits.
Carbon footprint describes how much carbon dioxide (CO2) we produce, this includes how much pollution industries and intensive agriculture generate, but also simple things like using the car all by yourself for small distances, leaving a light on or using single-use plastic items. eCO2 will help you to keep track of all your actions and decrease your carbon footprint following simple suggestions.
Most of the people that try to change their habits in order to have a more susteinable lifestyle, often lose track of it on the longterm, too many things to take care of makes it hard.
20 metric tons
Of of CO2 is the average carbon footprint for a US resident, the average carbon footprint for the world is 4 metric tons.
Of our planet carbon footprint belongs to US and China (respectively 15.6% and 27.2%).
60% over
Our planet Ecological footprint capacity, and it is still growing.
How might we encourage people to improve their susteinable habits and keep them going while staying motivated?
eCO2 will hep to keep track of little goals throughout your day and receiving simple to use tips to decrease our carbon footprint. Taking notes of your goals, challenging youself to complete your task, collecting points and badges to get rewards.
Environment aware people, with intention to improve their habits and cut useless cost in their house.
Young people interested in the topic but with a lack of motivation to actually make a valuable change.
Improve the overall effort toward a greener living. Saving money. Buy with more conciousness.
Thinks to be wasting too much money and products for his house. Too much unrecyclable outcome from food.
Have motivation to decrease her carbon footprint. Keep note of her new good beaviors.
Overwhelmed by too many dos and donts. Forgets about simple things she should improve in her habits.
Richard logs into the app to check out how he could improve his daily routine, he goes through some tips, then will select one to take action, take a picture adding some details and post it, ending to check out what other people is doing
Karen wants to check how many points she currently has and after that she could be able to select a reward a redeem it.
Quick and sortable list of simple anctions and tips to improve your habits toward a more considerate lifestyle.
Following tips sugestion in the feed, it will be possible to post and share the actions in order to get badges and point to get different kind of rewards.
In the profile page there will be the list of badges collected and the amount of points available, in order to collect rewards.